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CS Repair Engineer支援工程师

5K-8K/月 江苏省 苏州市 本科及以上





-Develop and validate the repair process instruction sheets and other technical instructions according to the design requirements in order that documentation are clearly understood by the production personnel

oMethods - work cards, technical instructions

oRepair – Write draft repair scheme and prepare supporting technical dossiers for workshop repairs, coordinate for approval by the Customer Support Engineering (CSE) team in France

-Determine the Bill Of Materials and regularly evaluate the variation (fasteners, chemicals)

-Assist in the definition of the fixtures, list of tools and consumables required to ensure the assembly process

-Specify and check the compliance of other specific industrial means which are required to repair the nacelle sub-assemblies

-Provide a permanent technical support to the production department

-Carry out detailed inspection of incoming material for repair and provide accurate reports of the findings

-Take an active role in the team



oLevel 3 English as recognized by a CAAC-147 organization

oCCAR-66 License Holder

oGood written and oral English

-Strongly desirable

oExperience in any of these roles within an MRO

§Repair Scheme Engineer

§Boeing or Airbus Structural Repair Courses

-Ideally, the candidate will also have the following attributes or experience:

oExperience in aviation, as working in an engineering and methods department within an Airline or Aviation MRO

§Very good understanding of the repair processes used for aviation structures and systems and preferably of nacelles or seats

§AN understanding of the certification basis for aero-products

§Strong experience with OEM documentation

oA demonstrated ability to make new procedures for a shop environment

oWilling to work outside of normal business hours to coordinate with France

-Beneficial Skills

oStrong presentation skills

oPositive attitude and agreeable to work with in an office environment

oSoftware – MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, SAP, drawings softwares Etc.

oAbility to speak French

oExperience with CAAC, EASA and FAA



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3.电话咨询:86 (0) 8440 0608 - 7227

For more information, / Follow our WeChat: Safran_in_China

赛峰集团(Safran)是一家国际高科技集团公司,业务范围涵盖航空(推进、设备和内装)、防务和航天领域。其核心宗旨是致力于构建更安全且可持续发展的世界,让航空运输更加环保、舒适和便利。赛峰集团业务遍及全球,拥有92 000名员工,2023年的营业额为232亿欧元。单独或是通过合作,赛峰集团在其核心市场占据全球或欧洲领导地位。赛峰集团在其技术创新路线图中承诺将大力开展以环境为主导的研发项目。赛峰集团是巴黎泛欧交易所上市公司,也是法国CAC40指数以及欧洲斯托克50指数成分股公司之一。 赛峰集团与中国的渊源可以追溯到100多年前,目前在中国民用航空领域已确立了强有力的市场地位,业务涵盖了飞机发动机、直升机发动机、飞机起落架和刹车系统、短舱、布线系统、飞控系统、传动系统、机载系统、飞机座椅和客舱等各个领域。目前在中国拥有20多家实体单位,约2000名员工。近40多年以来,赛峰集团与中国民用航空局、中国各大航空公司以及主要航空工业企业(如航空工业、中国商飞、中国航发)建立了强有力的合作伙伴关系。赛峰集团不仅积极参与中国主要飞机、直升机和发动机项目,如C919、ARJ21、MA700、MA600、MA60、AC311A、AC312、AC352、涡轴16等,还与中国国际航空公司(国航)、中国东方航空公司(东航)等合作建立MRO中心。 更多信息,欢迎访问赛峰集团官网 , 并关注赛峰集团官方微信: Safran_in_China




地址:北京市/北京市/朝阳区 嘉铭中心B座 东三环北路27号嘉铭中心